Boards ready to be boxed!
Finally, we have got our boards ready to be boxed!. Javi is working now on getting a customized clear plastic box for each unit. It’s gonna look fantastic!
Each unit consists of one Arduino Ethernet board, one Arduino Prototype Shield and two led displays of 8×32 pixels each. Since the units are connected to internet (we use a 3G modem router) the usage possibilities are enormous. In the picture we are showing on the displays the facebook like count of different webpages.
In order to get definitive connections we decided to get an Arduino Prototype Shield on top of each Arduino Ethernet, they are very useful and made our life much easier. In the next picture you can see definitive connections on the left and temporal connections on the right.
Temporal connections: for connecting the led displays to the Arduino we just use a breadboard (white plastic rectangle). Breadboards are useful during the testing stage when you still don´t know what are the final connections.
Definitive connections: once you know your connections you just need to solder the cables to the Arduino Prototype Shield (see left board). In our example we have soldered a flat 16-pin male connector to the Arduino Prototype Shield since this is the type of cable interfacing with the led displays.
It is piece of cake! any questions just leave a comment.
This article was originally published in Magda’s personal blog