Colaboratorio is Colaborativa’s Open Innovation Lab Space in where the company works together with volunteers, undergraduates and creatives in applied research projects based in open software and hardware
Colaboratorio is a garage devoted to free culture
Nowadays almost all companies, organizations and people depend on some sort of free culture project in a greater or leaser extent: the simple fact of using a smart phone or connecting to Internet make us part of this technological, cultural and social movement which is changing completely they way we share and collaborate.
In Colaborativa we believe that is possible to achieve much more by collaborating than competing and that is the reason behind transforming our garage in a space for free culture research and promotion. The Colaboratorio is located in the heart of Córdoba city in Santa Marina’s picturesque neighborhood, and has a small but well equipped laboratory for audiovisual, software and hardware projects: robots, 3D printers, Arduinos, Raspberry Pi, Kinects, etc…
Use it for free if your project is free
The Colaboratorio’s rules are very easy: anyone can use it for free with the exchange of the developed project being released with a free license to be chosen and the experience working in the Colaboratorio being shared in the social networks.
In case you can not share your work we have a rate for using the Colaboratorio for proprietary projects. Bear in mind that using the Colaboratorio in this way will facilitate others free culture projects to be developed.
Projects and Events
As well as hosting free culture projects in the Colaboratorio, we organized periodically activities for spreading free software and hardware projects such as OpenStreetMap collaborative map or RepRap 3D self-replicating printer.
Colaboratorio was selected for the ARQUIA/PRÓXIMA 2014 catalogue from 670 works presented at the 2012-2013 call.